Board of Trustees

The board of trustees is responsible for upholding the Albright Institute’s values and realizing its long term vision. The officers of the board of trustees play a central role in steering the institution and are entrusted with administration and oversight over key dimensions of the institute’s operations and facility, including but not limited to the execution of the fellowship program, infrastructure maintenance and improvements, fundraising, and the management of the endowment. Trustees contribute to the Albright through their advocacy, service, and participation in the academic program.

  1. Chair, Prof. Joan R. Branham, Providence College, Providence, Rhode Island
  2. President, Prof. J.P. Dessel, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee
  3. Vice President, Prof. Deirdre Fulton, Baylor University, Waco Texas
  4. Treasurer, Prof. Eric Cline, The George Washington University, Washington, DC
  5. Secretary, Prof. Beth Alpert Nakhai, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Prof. Andrea Berlin
Prof. Elizabeth Bloch-Smith
Prof. Oded Borowski
Prof. Joan R. Branham
Prof. Eric Cline
Prof. Sidnie White Crawford
Prof. J.P. Dessel
Prof. Deirdre Fulton
Prof. Edward L. Greenstein
Prof. James Hardin
Dr. Jacqueline Haynes
Donald Kane
Carroll Kobs
Sue Laden
W. Mark Lanier
Prof. Nathaniel Levtow
Prof. Peter Machinist
Prof. Jodi Magness
Prof. Carol Meyers
Prof. Beth Alpert Nakhai
Prof. Steven M. Ortiz
Prof. Alexandra Ratzlaff
Dr. David Rosenstein
Prof. Cynthia Shafer-Elliott
Prof. Karen B. Stern
Prof. James Riley Strange
Prof. David S. Vanderhooft

Prof. Walter E. Aufrecht
Prof. Sidnie White Crawford
Prof. William G. Dever
Prof. Patty Gerstenblith
Prof. Sy Gitin
Prof. Sharon Herbert
Prof. Eric M. Meyers
Prof. Joe D. Seger
Lydie Shufro
Prof. John R. Spencer
Prof. J. Edward Wright