Introducing the JVRP/AIAR Summer Intern!
Introducing the JVRP/AIAR Summer Intern!
The Biblical Archaeology Society of Northern Virginia (BASONOVA) and Biblical Archaeology Forum (BAF) sponsored student Matthew Vineyard, who was selected for the Jezreel Valley Regional Project/Albright Institute Summer Internship. He began by participating in an excavation, and then took up residence at the Albright for the slightly less dusty phase of the internship.
Vineyard is an undergraduate at The College at Brockport, State University of New York, and spent his summer digging at the third season of excavations at the base of the Roman VIth Legion at Legio, near Tel Megiddo. He’s currently at the Albright for his one-month internship, helping to process finds post-excavation, getting involved with various other projects at the Institute, visiting nearby archaeological sites and museums, and rubbing shoulders with senior scholars in residence at the Institute. We are happy to have him here and grateful to BASONOVA and BAF for their generous support!
BASONOVA provides annual grants to archaeology students, to help defray the cost of their participation in an overseas dig and “invest in the future of biblical archaeology.”
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