Albright Receives NEH Grant, Maintaining Funding through FY2021

We are thrilled to announce that the Albright Institute just received a National Endowment for the Humanities “Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions” Grant. The grant of $191,400 provides fourteen fellowship months per year for three years, plus selection costs, maintaining our current NEH funding through the 2021 fiscal year.

NEH-supported fellowships are a vital resource for community and programming at the Albright Institute, and due to their rank and scholarly achievement, these fellows become leaders within the community as models of scholarship. Selected by a rotating independent committee, NEH awardees infuse the fellowship community with fresh ideas that help to raise the standards of scholarship and level of innovation at the Institute, add diversity and richness to the program, and their research tends to reflect broader trends in the development of scholarship. These are the fellows that the Albright trusts will have significant impact in the fields of archaeology, anthropology, history, art history, and cultural heritage studies.

NEH-funded “Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions” support qualified centers and institutions to offer NEH fellowships in the humanities. Scholars can pursue their research while benefiting from the center’s special resources or its location abroad and the collegial association with other fellows. Additional information about the National Endowment for the Humanities and its grant programs is available at: