Albright Institute Receives $15,000 Contribution!
Albright Institute Receives $15,000 Contribution!
The Lindgren’s contribution will allow us to complete crucial security improvements to the Albright property. Their enthusiasm for the Albright’s mission is admirable, and critical for our ongoing operations.
If you’ve already contributed, we send our sincere thanks. Every gift, no matter the size, helps us further our mission in support of excellent scholarship. If you have not yet done so, please join us in our commitment to this unique educational institution. If you benefited from your fellowship or connection to the Albright, why not give back? Congress has just passed the year-end tax and budget deal which extends IRA charitable rollover retroactively for 2015. You have until December 31st to make a tax-free contribution to the Albright from your IRA. Please take advantage!
In Jerusalem:
Street Address: 26 Salah ed-Din Street, 9711049
Jerusalem, P.O. Box 19096
Phone: +972(0)2-628-8956
Email: albrightinstitute@aiar.org
US Business Office:
The W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research
5920 E. West Miramar Dr.
Tucson, AZ 85715
Phone: 814-876-2780
Email: mja198@aiar.org
Entrance and visits by appointment only
To visit the library, either click here to submit a visit request or contact library@aiar.org.
For other visits, contact: albrightinstitute@aiar.org
W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research © 2024 W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research. All rights reserved.