
Spring/Summer Program - 2024

— February 22 – 17:00 – Jamie Fraser, Dorot Director — Inaugural Lecture: “The Archaeology of Olive Oil: Excavating an Ancient Olive Oil ‘Factory’ in Jordan.” At the Albright and on Zoom. Reception after the lecture. Recording here.
— February 29 – 17:00 – Emily Branton, Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Junior Research Fellow, Public Lecture: “The Missing Monument: Uncovering the Conceptual Foundations of a Biblical Metaphor.” Recording here.

— March 21 – 17:00 – Louis Fishman, National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow: “Jews and Palestinians between Istanbul and Jerusalem.” Recording here.

— May 16 – 17:00 – Elisabetta Boaretto, Weizmann Institute of Science: “Radiocarbon Chronology in Historical Jerusalem and the Challenges to Reconstruct Its Urban Development.” Public event with post-lecture refreshments.

— June 10 – 17:00 – Book Launch Panel for Jodi Magness’ Jerusalem Through the Ages. Recording here.

— June 26, 2024 – 17:00 – Ron Hendel, Seymour Gitin Distinguished Professor: “Giants and the Conquest of Canaan: On the Landscape of Memory.”

Cancelled – William Schniedewind, UCLA: Who Really Wrote the Bible

— September 25, 2024 – 17:00 – Yosef Garfinkel, HUJI – Book Talk: Colonial Archaeology in Palestine in the 1930s: The First Expedition to Lachish at the Albright & on Zoom, with a post-lecture reception.

— December 11, 2024 – Andrea Berlin, Boston University: “From Ground to Page: Wrapping Up the University of Michigan/University of Minnesota Excavations at Kedesh.” Public Lecture, at the Albright & on Zoom, with a post-lecture reception.

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