Sept. 3, 2019
Generously funded by Bjorn and Beverly Lindgren of Texas, the Johns Hopkins University-AIAR Undergraduate Archaeological Fellowship gives one undergraduate at Johns Hopkins University the opportunity to travel abroad to an archaeological dig and then spend another month in residence at the Albright.
This year, Luc Renaux, a rising senior double majoring in archaeology and history with a minor in Near Eastern studies joined the Jezreel Valley Regional Project’s excavations at Legio and then settled in at the Albright for post-excavation processing, assisting with research, and archival activities.
Luc had previous excavation experience in France and Oman and was thus asked to join the Legio excavations as a staff member. “It felt great to be recognized for having experience, and I ended up as Assistant Area Supervisor for Area C.” Asked about any goals he might have had for his leadership role, Luc said “I wanted to make sure people who had never dug before had good experiences. When people said they had a great time, it made me feel really happy.”
Luc found out about the fellowship from the two previous recipients, friends and colleagues of his at Johns Hopkins, Elana Neher and Michael Tritsch. And in what seems like characteristic humility and vicarious joy, Luc said “I want to thank the Lindgrens, not only for me, but for the fact that other people also will have a chance to make use of this program.”
Read about Elana Neher, the first recipient of the fellowship, here.
Last year’s recipient, Michael Tritsch, is set to graduate in December after which he’d like to pursue his PhD in Egyptology. “[The fellowship] provided an incredible experience which significantly advanced my training as an archaeologist. I acquired a great deal of insight into the use of 3D modeling and photogrammetry in the field,” he reflected. “I truly enjoyed every aspect, and I cannot begin to express how grateful I am to Bjorn and Beverly Lindgren for their generosity in funding this fellowship.”
As for Luc, when asked about his plans: “I’d like to go to grad school in medieval archaeology. I’ve really come to enjoy this period. I have family in France and I was lucky to grow up surrounded by cathedrals and all that history,” Luc said of what steered him towards archaeology. And of the fellowship this summer: “The experience solidified that this is what I want to do.”