Fellows 2007-2008
2007-2008 Fellows & Projects
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Annual Professor:
Haskel J. Greenfield, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, “The Spread of Metallurgy: Cut Mark Analysis on Animal Bones”
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellows:
Isaac Kalimi, Northwestern University, “Historical Commentary on the Second Book of Chronicles”
Christine Thompson, University of California at Los Angeles, “Silver in the Age of Iron and the Orientalizing Economies of Archaic Greece”
Ernest S. Frerichs Fellow/Program Coordinator:
Benjamin Dolinka, Independent Researcher, “Final Report on the Excavations at Horvat Dafit”
George A. Barton Fellow:
Rodney Aist, University of Wales at Lampeter, “Images of Jerusalem: The Religious Imagination of Willibald of Eichstätt (8th Century C.E.)”
Samuel H. Kress Fellow:
Andrew Radford Davis, Johns Hopkins University, “The Construction of Sacred Space at Tel Dan in the Iron Age”
Linda G. Meiberg, University of Pennsylvania, “Figural Motifs on Philistine Pottery and Their Connections to the Aegean World”
Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Fellows:
Robert Darby, University of Missouri–Columbia, “Bathing on the Edge of Empire: An Architectural and Social Study of Tetrarchic Military Baths in Judea, Palaestina, and Arabia”
Austin C. Hill, University of Connecticut, “Specialized Pastoralism and Social Stratification: Analysis of the Fauna from Tel Tsaf, Israel”
Erin Kuhns, Duke University, “Interpreting Judean Pillar Figurines and Israelite Religion in Light of Archaeological Data, Anthropological Theory, and Gender Analysis”
Yorke Rowan, Independent Researcher, “Crossing the Nile—Tracing Chalcolithic Interaction Spheres and Communication”
Andrew W. Mellon Fellows:
Ivan Biliarsky, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, “The Old Testament in the Building of the State’s Identity in the Slavic–Orthodox and the Ethiopian Traditions”
Arkadiusz Marciniak, University of Poznan, “Social and Economic Transformations at the End of the Pre-Pottery and the Beginning of the Pottery Neolithic in the Southern Levant”
Teodozja Izabela Rzeuska, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, “Levantine Pottery from the Late Old Kingdom Necropolis in West Saqqara and from the Middle Kingdom Settlement on the Elephantine (Egypt)”
Glassman Holland Research Fellow:
Vladimir Doronichev, ANO Laboratory of Prehistory, St. Petersburg, “A Comparative Analysis of the Lower Paleolithic Assemblages in the Caucasus and Levant”
Associate Fellows
Senior Fellows
Marwan Abu Khalaf, Al-Quds University, “Islamic Jerusalem”
Eliot Braun, Independent Researcher, “Researching Early Levels at Megiddo”
Scott Bucking, DePaul University (Fulbright Fellow), “Words in the Dirt: Excavated Texts from the Ancient Near East”
Jeffrey Chadwick, Brigham Young University Jerusalem Center, “Assyrian and Judean Influences at Gath of the Philistines (Tell es-Safi) During Iron Age II-B”
Trude Dothan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Emerita), “The Philistine Ceramic Corpus of the Iron Age I at Tel Miqne–Ekron”
Gerald Finkielsztejn, Israel Antiquities Authority, “Amphora Stamps as Evidence for the History of Hellenistic Samaria and the Southern Levant”
Shimon Gibson, University of North Carolina–Charlotte, “The Mount Zion Excavation Project in Jerusalem”
Garth Gilmour, Oxford University, “Gezer VI: The Objects from Phases I and II; Final Report of the Palestine Exploration Fund Excavations in the City of David, Jerusalem, from 1923 to 1925”
David Graf, University of Miami (Lady Davis Fellow, Hebrew University), “Nabatean Settlements in the Negev and the Petra–Gaza Incense Route”
Aren Maeir, Bar-Ilan University, “The Development and Transformation of Philistine Culture: The View from Iron IIA”
Beth Alpert Nakhai, University of Arizona, “Tell el-Wawiyat Excavation Project”
Hani Nur el-Din, Al-Quds University, “Symbolism and Cult Practice—Fact and Fiction: A Comparative Study of Ancient Near Eastern Phenomena”
Stephen Pfann, University of the Holy Land, “An Anthropological Study of the Site of Qumran and its Texts”
Warren Schultz, DePaul University (CAORC Fellow), “Re-Imaging Mamluk Coins”
Yuri Stoyanov, Kenyon Institute, Jerusalem, “The Evolution and Interrelationship between Christian and Islamic Heterodox and Mystical Traditions in the East Mediterranean in the Late Byzantine and Ottoman Periods”
Hamdan Taha, Palestinian Department of Antiquities, “The Excavation of Tawaheen es-Sukker, Jericho”
Dieter Vieweger, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology, “The Chronology of the Tamassos–Lambertis Necropolis”
Anna de Vincenz, Independent Researcher (Miqne Fellow), “Ceramic and Small Finds from the Excavations in Ramle”
Samuel R. Wolff, Israel Antiquities Authority, “The Renewed Excavations at Tell Gezer”
William Yarchin, Azusa Pacific University, “Ancient Spiritualities Reflected in the Emergence of Scripture during the Second Temple Period”
Post-Doctoral Fellows
Ibrahim Abu-Ammar, Al-Quds University, “The Art and Architecture of the Hamra Palace in Andalusian Granada”
Mohammad Ghosheh, Al-Quds University, “The Social Life of Jerusalem in the Early and Middle Ottoman Period”
Salah H. Houdalieh, Al-Quds University, “The Development of Early Bronze Age Material Culture”
Ianir Milevski, Israel Antiquities Authority, “The Exchange of Goods in the Early Bronze Age of the Southern Levant”
Nava Panitz-Cohen, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Iron Age I Stratigraphy and Pottery from Tel Beth-Shean”
Michael Press, Ashkelon Excavation Project, “The Iron Age Terracottas of Ashkelon and Philistia”
Stephen Rosenberg, Independent Researcher, “Architecture and Archaeology of the Tobiad Estate at Araq al-Amir in Jordan”
Hamed J. Salem, Birzeit University, “Dynamic Stability and Change in the Palestinian Cultural Landscape: The Birzeit Region as a Case Study”
Alison Schofield, University of Denver, “Rethinking the Yahad: A Comprehensive Examination of the Cave 4 Versions of Serekh ha-Yahad ”
Itzhaq Shai, Bar-Ilan University, “Embracing Script and Language as Criteria to Globalization”
Karen Stern, University of Southern California (CAORC Fellow), “Jewish Culture of Roman North Africa”
Research Fellows
Jamal Bargouth, Palestinian Institution for Cultural Landscape Studies (al-Mashhad), “The Contributions of the Orientalism Movement in the Agenda of Archaeological Research in Palestine (1800–1948)”
Baruch Brandl, Israel Antiquities Authority, “An Analysis of Egyptian Artifacts from Tel Miqne–Ekron”
John Walton Burnight, University of Chicago (Fulbright Fellow), “Poetic Parallelism in Job’s First Speech Cycle”
Deborah Cassuto, Bar-Ilan University, “The Textile Industry in Iron Age Levant: a Contextual Approach”
Amir Golani, Israel Antiquities Authority, “The Development, Significance and Function of Jewelry and the Jeweler’s Craft in the Land of Israel during the Iron Age II”
Tina Greenfield, Independent Scholar, “The Zooarchaeology of Ancient Tushhan—The Neo-Assyrian Provincial Capital in Southeast Turkey”
Malka Hershkovitz, Nelson Glueck School of Biblical Archaeology, “A Corpus of Hellenistic–Roman Glyptics in Eretz Israel”
Bronwen Manning, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Roots of Monotheism: The Late Iron Age and the Persian Period—A Material Culture Comparison”
Chloe Massey, Kenyon Institute, Jerusalem, “Jewish Methods of Conflict Resolution Based on Biblical, Rabbinic, and Other Traditional Jewish Sources”
Claire Pfann, University of the Holy Land, “The Testament of Abraham”
Stephanie Pryor, University of Missouri–Columbia, “Imaging Female Rulers in Syria-Palestine and Arabia (4th Century BCE–3rd Century BCE)”
Khader Salameh, Islamic Museum, al-Haram al-Sharif, Jerusalem, “The Inscriptions from the Islamic Museum, al-Haram al-Sharif: From the Roman to the Ottoman Period”
Daniel Santimore, Gordon College, MA (Fulbright Fellow), “Philistine Cultic Forms of the Iron Age I”
Issa Sarie, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Paleodiet and Bio-Cultural Practices of the Neolithic Ain Ghazal Inhabitants of Jordan”
Ross Voss, Ashkelon Excavation Project, “The Middle Bronze Age Gates at Ashkelon”
Alexander Zukerman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “The Iron Age I Ceramic Corpus from Fields III and IV at Tel Miqne–Ekron”