Fellows 2012-2013
2012-2013 Fellows & Projects
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Seymour Gitin Distinguished Professor:
Lawson Younger, Trinity International University – Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois, “The History and Culture of the Arameans in the Iron Age”
Michael Satlow, Brown University, “Jewish Popular Piety in Late Antiquity”
Annual Professor:
Tom McCollough, Centre College, Danville, Kentucky, “Field II (The Synagogue) at Khirbet Qana”
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellows:
Laura Mazow, East Carolina University, “Weaving Together the Strands of Evidence: ‘Bathtubs’ Reconsidered”
Philip N. Sapirstein, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, “Greek Architectural Innovation and the Eastern Mediterranean”
Joan Westenholz, Independent Researcher, “‘The Measure of Man’: The Perception of the Human Body in Ancient Mesopotamia”
Benjamin Wold, Trinity College, Dublin, “Ecology and Apocalypticism in Early Judaism and Christianity”
Aaron Tugendhaft, New York University, “Baal and the Problem of Politics in the Bronze Age”
Ernest S. Frerichs Fellow/Program Coordinator:
Deborah R. Cassuto, Bar-Ilan University, “The Fabric of Society: Textile Production in the Southern Levant – a Case Study from Iron Age Tell es-Safi/Gath”
Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Fellows:
Matthew Alexander Gasperetti, University of Cambridge, “The Bioarchaeology of Agriculture in the Prehistoric Southern Levant”
Megan S. Nutzman, University of Chicago, “A Hotbed of Healing: Ritual Cures in Roman Palestine”
George A. Pierce, University of California, Los Angeles, “‘The Territory Facing Jaffa’: Cultural Landscapes of a Mediterranean Port and its Hinterland”
Krystal V. L. Pierce, University of California, Los Angeles, “Egyptian and Egyptianized Material in Late Bronze Age Canaan: An Examination of Cultural Identity”
Noble Group Fellows:
Wu Xin, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University, “Persia and the East, a Monograph”
Yan Wang, Shandong University, China, “Tian in Pre-Confucian Texts: Analyzed and Compared with Yahweh of the Israelite Religion”
Shih-Wei Hsu, Free University, Berlin, “An Investigation into the Figurative Expressions of Ancient Egyptian in Different Text Genres”
Wen Hua Shi, Independent Researcher, “Digital Mandarin Resource for the Study of Archaeology and Early Christianity”
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow:
Galya Bacheva, Independent Researcher, Bulgaria, “Life in Late Phrygian Gordion: the Testimony of Local Pottery”
Glassman Holland Research Fellow:
Saro Wallace, University of Heidelberg, “Travels through Time: Imagining Migration in the Early Aegean”
George A. Barton Fellow:
Andrew B. Perrin, McMaster University, Canada, “An Apocalyptic Inheritance: Dream-Visions in the Aramaic Dead Sea Scrolls”
Carol and Eric Meyers Doctoral Dissertation Fellow:
Kenneth Ristau, Pennsylvania State University, “Reconstructing Jerusalem: Persian Period Prophetic Perspectives”
Kathleen S. Brooks Fellow:
Issa Sarie, Al-Quds University, “The Roots of Violence in the Prehistoric Period”
Associate Fellows
Senior Fellows
Ibrahim Abu-Ammar, Al-Quds University, “Analyzing the Results of the Archaeological Excavations at Khirbet Beit Bassa in Bethlehem”
Marwan Abu Khalaf, Al-Quds University, “The Publication of the Khirbet Shuwaykeh Cultural Materials”
Jeff Anderson, Wayland Baptist University, Anchorage Campus, “The Blessing and the Curse: Trajectories in the Theology of the Old Testament”
David Ben-Shlomo, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Miqne Fellow), “Iron Age I Pottery from Tel Miqne Field III”
Eliot Braun, Independent Researcher, “Early Bronze Age I Studies, Chronology and Foreign Relations”
Jeffrey Chadwick, Brigham Young University Jerusalem Center, “Assyrian and Judean Influences at Gath of the Philistines (Tell es-Safi) during the Iron Age IIB”
Katia Cytryn-Silverman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Multi-Cultural Tiberias”
Trude Dothan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Emerita) (Miqne Fellow), “Philistine Material Culture of the Iron Age I at Tel Miqne-Ekron”
Gerald Finkielsztejn, Israel Antiquities Authority, “Amphora Stamps as Evidence for the History of Hellenistic Samaria and the Southern Levant”
Norma Franklin, University of Haifa, “Returning to Jezreel”
Shimon Gibson, University of the Holy Land, Jerusalem, “The Mount Zion Excavation Project in Jerusalem”
Garth Gilmour, Oxford University, “The Palestine Exploration Fund Excavations on the Hill of Ophel, Jerusalem, directed by R.A.S. Macalister and J. Garrow Duncan, 1923–1925. Final Report”
Ann Killebrew, Pennsylvania State University, “The Early Philistine (Iron I) Pottery Assemblage: Tel Miqne-Ekron Field INE”
Bernard Levinson, University of Minnesota, “Revelation and Redaction: Rethinking Biblical Studies and its Intellectual Models”
Hanne Løland Levinson, MF-Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo, “Wishing for Death or Fighting for Life? Death Wishes in Hebrew Bible”
Laura Mazow, East Carolina University, “Weaving Together the Strands of Evidence: ‘Bathtubs’ Reconsidered”
Ianir Milevski, Israel Antiquities Authority, “Craft Specialization and Division of Labor in the Late Prehistory of the Southern Levant”
Pierre de Miroschedji, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), “The Early Bronze Age Urbanization Process as Seen from Tel Yarmuth, Tell el Fâr‘ah and Tell es-Sakan”
Hani Nur el-Din, Al-Quds University, “Archaeology of Jerusalem between Facts and Theories”
Nava Panitz-Cohen, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “The Iron Age IIA Stratigraphy and Pottery of Tel Rehov”
Stephen Pfann, University of the Holy Land, Jerusalem, “Unity and Diversity among the Dead Sea Scrolls: Scripts, Calendars and Rule Books”
Stephen Rosenberg, Independent Researcher, “Did Samuel Write the Exodus?”
Benjamin Saidel, East Carolina University, “Ethnoarchaeological Investigations at Nahal Be’erotayim West”
Hamed J. Salem, Birzeit University, “The Renewed Excavations at Kh. Siya and Site Presentation Project”
Michael Satlow, Brown University, “Jewish Popular Piety in Late Antiquity”
Karen Stern, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, “Jewish Graffiti and Cultural History in the Greco-Roman Levant”
Yuri Stoyanov, University of London, “The Evolution and Interrelationship between Christian and Islamic Heterodox and Mystical Traditions in the East Mediterranean in the Late Byzantine and Ottoman Periods”
Hamdan Taha, Palestinian Department of Antiquities, Ramallah, “Excavations at Bir el-Hammam, Mount Gerizim”
Dieter Vieweger, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology, Jerusalem, “Gadara Region Project: Excavation of the 5000-Year History of Tall Zira‘a and Exploration of the Wadi el-‘Arab in Northern Jordan”
Anna de Vincenz, Independent Researcher (Miqne Fellow), “The Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project Series: Ottoman and other Ceramics from the Ancient Police Station and Other Buildings”
Samuel R. Wolff, Israel Antiquities Authority, “The Tandy Museum Excavations at Tel Gezer”
Post-Doctoral Fellows
Rona Avissar, Independent Researcher, “Children’s Activities and Living Spaces in the Archaeological Settlements”
Rafi Lewis, Ashkelon Excavation Project, “Joint Relationships in the Landscape of Ashkelon (A Landscape Archaeology Survey)”
Issa Sarie, Al-Quds University, “The Roots of Violence in the Prehistoric Period”
Joe Uziel, Israel Antiquities Authority, “The Tel Nagila Publication Project”
Research Fellows
Baruch Brandl, Israel Antiquities Authority, “Pre-Hellenistic Glyptics from Tel Kedesh”
Marcin A. Czarnowicz, Jagiellonian University, “Naqadan Pottery in EB Levant”
Malka Hershkovitz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “A Corpus of Hellenistic-Roman Glyptics in Eretz-Israel”
Bronwen Manning, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Dor: Southern Phoenicia in the Assyrian Period”
Shulamit Miller, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Luxury, Prestige and Grandeur: the Mansions and Daily Life of the Social Elite of the Roman Near East during the 1st-6th c. CE”
Claire Pfann, University of the Holy Land, Jerusalem, “The Levites in the Late Second Temple Period: Their Presence and Social Function in Israel and the Diaspora”
Ross Voss, Ashkelon Excavation Project, “The Publication of Ashkelon 6: Canaanite Gates and Fortifications”
Abeer Zayyad, Islamic Museum, al-Haram al-Sharif, Jerusalem, “The Coins of the Al-Aqsa Museum”
Alexander Zukerman, Independent Researcher (Miqne Fellow), “The Iron Age I Ceramic Corpus from Fields III and IV at Tel Miqne-Ekron”