2013-2014 Fellows & Projects

Seymour Gitin Distinguished Professor:

Annual Professor:

Tzvi Abusch, Brandeis University, “Corpus of Mesopotamian Anti-Witchcraft Rituals”

National Endowment for the Humanities Fellows:

Ernest S. Frerichs Fellow/Program Coordinator:

Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Fellows:

Noble Group Fellows:

Dong Xia Yuan, Shandong University, “Pagan Monotheism in the Late Ancient and Early Islamic Near East”

Haihua Tian, Sichuan University, “Polytheism and Monotheism: Reading the First Commandment in the Chinese Context”

Yuhong Wu, Northeast Normal University, “Who is Who in UR III Dynasty”

Yinglan Zhang, Shaanxi Provincial Office of Cultural Heritage, “Comparative Study of Origins of Cavalry in Ancient Near East, Mongolia and China”

Glassman Holland Research Fellow:

Krzysztof Nowicki, Polish Academy of Sciences, “Migrations or Acculturations? Relationship between settlement changes in the Aegean and the Levant during the Chalcolithic/Early Bronze (3800-3000 BC) and the Late Bronze/Early Iron Age (1200-1000 BC) transition”

George A. Barton Fellow:

Ashley Arico, Johns Hopkins University, “The Context of Ancient Egyptian Statuary in the Southern Levant”

R. and E. Hecht Fellow:

Shulamit Miller, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Luxury, Prestige and Grandeur: the Mansions and Daily Life of the Social Elite of the Roman Near East during the 1st-6th c. CE”

Associate Fellows

Senior Fellows

Ibrahim Abu-Ammar, Al-Quds University, “Analyzing the Results of the Archaeological Excavations at Khirbet Beit Bassa in Bethlehem”

Marwan Abu Khalaf, Al-Quds University, “The Publication of the Khirbet Shuwaykeh Cultural Materials”

Rodney Aist, St. George’s College, Jerusalem, “The Manuscript Drawings of Adomnan of Iona (d. 704 CE)”

Carolina Aznar, St. Louis University (Madrid Campus), “Tel Regev and the Southern Plain of Akko”

Rachel Ben-Dov, Independent Researcher, “Tel Miqne-Ekron during the Late Bronze Age”

David Ben-Shlomo, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Miqne Fellow), “Analysis of Iron Age I Pottery from Tel Miqne Field III”

Miryam Brand, Independent Researcher, “Theological Shift and Political Circumstances: The Breakdown of National Identity and its Reflection in Second Temple Theology”

Eliot Braun, Independent Researcher, “Early Bronze Age I Studies, Chronology and Foreign Relations”

Jeffrey Chadwick, Brigham Young University Jerusalem Center, “Assyrian and Judean Influences at Gath of the Philistines (Tell es-Safi) during the Iron Age IIB”

Katia Cytryn-Silverman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Multi-Cultural Tiberias”

Trude Dothan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Emerita) (Miqne Fellow), “Philistine Material Culture of the Iron Age I at Tel Miqne-Ekron”

Gerald Finkielsztejn, Israel Antiquities Authority, “Amphora Stamps as Evidence for the History of Hellenistic Samaria and the Southern Levant”

Norma Franklin, University of Haifa, “The Excavation and History of Tel Jezreel”

Shimon Gibson, University of the Holy Land, Jerusalem, “The Mount Zion Excavation Project in Jerusalem”

Garth Gilmour, Oxford University, “The Palestine Exploration Fund Excavations on the Hill of Ophel, Jerusalem, directed by R.A.S. Macalister and J. Garrow Duncan, 1923-1925. Final Report”

Morag Kersel, DePaul University, “Objects of Affection? Investigating the Demand for Archaeological Objects from the Holy Land”

Ann Killebrew, Pennsylvania State University, “Tel Miqne-Ekron during the Late Bronze Age”

Laura Mazow, East Carolina University, “Weaving Together the Strands of Evidence: ‘Bathtubs’ Reconsidered”

Ianir Milevski, Israel Antiquities Authority, “Craft Specialization and Division of Labor in the Late Prehistory of the Southern Levant”

Pierre de Miroschedji, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), “The Early Bronze Age Urbanization Process as Seen from Tel Yarmuth, Tell el Fâr‘ah and Tell es-Sakan”

Eric A. Mitchell, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, “Gezer Survey”

Hani Nur el-Din, Al-Quds University, “Archaeology of Jerusalem between Facts and Theories”

Nava Panitz-Cohen, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “The Iron Age IIA Stratigraphy and Pottery of Tel Rehov”

Stephen Pfann, University of the Holy Land, Jerusalem, “Unity and Diversity among the Dead Sea Scrolls: Scripts, Calendars and Rule Books”

Stephen Rosenberg, Independent Researcher, “Did Samuel Write the Exodus?”

Susan Rotroff, Washington University in St. Louis, “Athenian Red-Figure Pottery and the Chronology of Late Archaic Athens”

Benjamin Saidel, East Carolina University, “Ethnoarchaeological Investigations at Nahal Be’erotayim West”

Hamed J. Salem, Birzeit University, “Kh. Siya: A Byzantine Village in the Central Mountains of Palestine”

Karen Stern, Brooklyn College, City University of New York, “Graffiti and the Forgotten Jews of Late Antiquity”

Yuri Stoyanov, University of London, “A Comprehensive Analysis and Cataloguing of the Religious Manuscripts and Texts in the Qosababayean Family Archives, Jerusalem”

Hamdan Taha, Palestinian Department of Antiquities, Ramallah, “Excavations at Bir el-Hammam, Mount Gerizim”

Joe Uziel, Israel Antiquities Authority, “The Tel Nagila Publication Project”

Dieter Vieweger, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology, Jerusalem, “Gadara Region Project: Excavation of the 5000-Year History of Tall Zira‘a and Exploration of the Wadi el-‘Arab in Northern Jordan”

Anna de Vincenz, Independent Researcher (Miqne Fellow), “Final Report on Yizhar Hirschfeld’s Excavations at Tiberias”

Samuel R. Wolff, Israel Antiquities Authority, “The Tandy Institute for Archaeology Excavations at Tel Gezer”

Ziony Zevit, American Jewish University, “Seeing God(s) in Temples, the Heavens, and in Model Shrines: A Problem in Ancient Metaphysics”

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Rona Avissar, Independent Researcher, “Children’s Activities and Living Spaces in the Archaeological Settlements”

Rafi Lewis, Independent Researcher, “The Battle of Arsuf Archaeological Survey”

Issa Sarie, Al-Quds University, “Tracing the Roots of Violence through Past Population Skeletal Remains”

Research Fellows

Baruch Brandl, Israel Antiquities Authority, “An Analysis of Egyptian Artifacts from Tel Miqne-Ekron/Pre-Hellenistic Glyptics from Tel Kedesh”

Daniel Fisher, University of California, Berkeley, “Memories of the Ark: Cultural Memory, Material Culture, and the Construction of the Past in Biblical Societies”

Malka Hershkovitz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “A Corpus of Hellenistic–Roman Glyptics in Eretz-Israel”

Shulamit Miller, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Luxury, Prestige and Grandeur: the Mansions and Daily Life of the Social Elite of the Roman Near East during the 1st-6th c. CE”

Claire Pfann, University of the Holy Land, Jerusalem, “The Levites in the Late Second Temple Period: Their Presence and Social Function in Israel and the Diaspora”

Ross Voss, Ashkelon Excavation Project, “The Publication of Ashkelon 6: Canaanite Gates and Fortifications”

Joshua T. Walton, Ashkelon Excavation Project, “The Regional Economy of Southern Levant in the 8th-7th Centuries BCE”

Abeer Zayyad, Islamic Museum, al-Haram al-Sharif, Jerusalem, “The Coins of the Al-Aqsa Museum”

Ann Zimo, University of Minnesota, “Muslims in the Landscape: A Social Map of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the 13th Century”

Alexander Zukerman, Independent Researcher (Miqne Fellow), “The Iron Age I Ceramic Corpus from Fields III and IV at Tel Miqne-Ekron”