Fellows 2010-2011
2010-2011 Fellows & Projects
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Annual Professor:
Mark Smith, New York University, “Warrior Culture in Early Israel”
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellows:
Andrea Berlin, Boston University, “Governing ‘Across the River’ ”
Elizabeth Bloch-Smith, St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA, “The Book of Judges”
Karen Stern, Brooklyn College, City University of New York (CUNY), “When the Medium is the Message: Mortuary Graffiti and Jewish Cultural Identity in the Late Ancient Levant”
Ernest S. Frerichs Fellow/Program Coordinator:
Joe Uziel, Bar-Ilan University, “Cave T1 at Tell es-Safi/Gath and its Implications on Philistine Burial Customs”
Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) Fellows:
Jonathan Greer, Pennsylvania State University, “Dinner at Dan: Zooarchaeological Evidence of Trends in Cultic Feasting at Iron Age Tel Dan ”
Mark Ziese, Cincinnati Christian University, “Tell Taannek 1963–1968: The Early Bronze Age Pottery”
Matthew Lynch, Emory University, “Anxiety over Enemy Speech: The Book of Psalms and Hostile Speech in Ancient Cultural Perspective”
Nathaniel B. Levtov, University of Montana, “The Kingdom of the Book: Textual Production and Social Formation in Ancient Judah”
Noble Group Fellows:
Bo Zhang, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Ancient Mesopotamian Geographical Tradition as Reflected in Cuneiform Texts”
Xiaoli Ouyang, Harvard University, “Economic Role of the Palace Based on the Sîn-kāšid Archive from Southern Mesopotamia in the Nineteenth Century BCE”
Xin Wu, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University, “Near East, Central Asia, and China: Cultural Interaction and Transmission during the 4th to 2nd Centuries BCE”
Hui (Grace) Liang, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China, “Reading the Ten Commandments in China (635–1949): A Cross-Cultural Reflection on Jewish Exegesis and Chinese Classical Scholarship”
Glassman Holland Research Fellow:
Annie Caubet, ANE Department, Louvre Museum (Honorary), “Kition Bamboula/Arslan Tash Ivories”
Andrew W. Mellon Fellows:
Amar Annus, University of Tartu, Estonia, “Patterns of a Pantheon: Mesopotamian God Lists from an Intertextual Perspective”
Catalin Pavel, Independent Scholar, Romania, “Anatolian and Levantine Archaeology between Interpretation and Description – Troy and Tel Miqne”
Alexander Panayotov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, “A Survey of Jewish Everyday Life in the Early Byzantine Balkans and Palestine. Models of Existence and Co-existence of Religious Minorities in a Christian Society”
George A. Barton Fellow:
Kyle Keimer, University of California, Los Angeles, “The Socioeconomic Impact of Hezekiah’s Preparations for Rebellion”
Carol and Eric Meyers Doctoral Dissertation Fellow:
Juan Tebes, Universidad Católica Argentina, “Local Pottery Traditions in the Iron Age Negev and Edom”
Getty Research Exchange Fellow:
Fabrizio Benente, University of Genoa, “An Introduction to the Archaeology of the Crusades: The Presence of Italian Medieval ‘comuni’ and Italian Merchants in the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem”
R. and E. Hecht Fellow:
Alexandra Sumner, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Simple Complexity: Inter-and Intra-site Comparison of Scraper Retouch Strategies and their Implications for Human Behaviour during the Levantine Middle Palaeolithic”
Kathleen S. Brooks Fellow:
Ghassan Nagagreh, Yarmouk University, “Interconnections between Iron Age Nation States in the Levant”
Associate Fellows
Senior Fellows
Ibrahim Abu-Ammar, Al-Quds University, “Analyzing the Results of the Archaeological Excavations at Khirbet Beit Bassa in Bethlehem”
Marwan Abu Khalaf, Al-Quds University, “The Material Culture of Khirbat Shuwayka”
Oded Borowski, Emory University, “Tell Halif, Field III: Final Publication”
Eliot Braun, Independent Researcher, “The Transition from Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age in the Southern Levant”
Jeffrey Chadwick, Brigham Young University Jerusalem Center, “Assyrian and Judean Influences at Gath of the Philistines (Tell es-Safi) during the Iron Age IIB”
Loren Crow, Northwest Christian University, Oregon, “Life on the Edge: The Relationship Between Judah and Israel at the Periphery of the Assyrian Empire in the Seventh Century, BCE”
Trude Dothan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Emerita) (Miqne Fellow), “The Philistine Ceramic Corpus of the Iron Age I at Tel Miqne–Ekron”
Gerald Finkielsztejn, Israel Antiquities Authority, “Amphora Stamps as Evidence for the History of Hellenistic Samaria and the Southern Levant”
Shimon Gibson, University of North Carolina-Charlotte, “The Mount Zion Excavation Project in Jerusalem”
Garth Gilmour, Oxford University, “The Palestine Exploration Fund Excavations on the hill of Ophel, Jerusalem, directed by R.A.S. Macalister and J. Garrow Duncan, 1923–1925. Final Report”
Jaimie Lovell, Kenyon Institute, Jerusalem, “The Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Levant”
Pierre de Miroschedji, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), “The Early Bronze Age Urbanization Process as Seen from Tel Yarmuth”
Hani Nur el-Din, Al-Quds University, “Symbolism and Cultic Practice – Fact and Fiction: A Comparative Study of Ancient Near Eastern Phenomena”
Stephen Pfann, University of the Holy Land, “The Inscribed Stone Cup from the Mt. Zion Excavations”
Anson Rainey, Tel Aviv University (Emeritus), “Editing and Formatting the New Edition of the Amarna Letters”
Stephen Rosenberg, Independent Researcher, “The Circumstances Surrounding the Events that Led Up to the Original Hanukkah Celebration of the Maccabees in 164 BCE”
Benjamin Saidel, East Carolina University, “Ethnoarchaeological Investigations at Nahal Be’erotayim West”
Yuri Stoyanov, University of London, “The Evolution and Interrelationship between Christian and Islamic Heterodox and Mystical Traditions in the East Mediterranean in the Late Byzantine and Ottoman Periods”
Hamdan Taha, Palestinian Department of Antiquities, “Excavations at Bir el-Hammam, Mount Gerizim”
Dieter Vieweger, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology, “Gadara Region Project: Excavation of the 5000-Year History of Tall Ziraʿa and Exploration of the Wadi el-ʿArab in Northern Jordan”
Anna de Vincenz, Independent Researcher (Miqne Fellow), “Final Report on Yizhar Hirschfeld’s Excavations at Tiberias”
Samuel R. Wolff, Israel Antiquities Authority, “The Renewed Excavations at Tel Gezer”
Post-Doctoral Fellows
David Ben-Shlomo, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Miqne Fellow), “Analysis of Small Finds from the Tel Miqne–Ekron Excavations”
Amir Golani, Israel Antiquities Authority, “The Development, Significance, and Function of Jewelry and the Jeweler’s Craft in the Land of Israel during the Iron Age II”
Salah H. Houdalieh, Al-Quds University, “Palestine’s Cultural Heritage”
Laura Mazow, East Carolina University, “Weaving Together the Strands of Evidence: ‘Bathtubs’ Reconsidered”
Ianir Milevski, Israel Antiquities Authority, “Craft Specialization and Division of Labor in the Late Prehistory of the Southern Levant ”
Nava Panitz-Cohen, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “The Iron Age IIA Stratigraphy and Pottery of Tel Rehov”
Hamed J. Salem, Birzeit University, “Dynamic Stability and Change in the Palestinian Cultural Landscape: The Birzeit Region as a Case Study”
Itzhaq Shai, Bar-Ilan University, “Philistia and the Philistines in the Iron Age IIA”
Research Fellows
Rona Avissar, Ashkelon Excavation Project, “Household Archaeology of Ashkelon in the Iron Age”
Baruch Brandl, Israel Antiquities Authority, “An Analysis of Egyptian Artifacts from Tel Miqne–Ekron”
Deborah Cassuto, Bar-Ilan University, “Variations in Production Organization: Textile Workshops of the Iron Age Ancient Near East ”
Amit Dagan, Bar-Ilan University, “Eastern Philistia in the 8th Century BCE”
Malka Hershkovitz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “A Corpus of Hellenistic–Roman Glyptics in Eretz-Israel”
Bronwen Manning, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Publication of the Stratigraphy and Ceramic Assemblage of the Assyrian Period from Area D2 at Tel Dor”
Claire Pfann, University of the Holy Land, “The Levites in the Late Second Temple Period: Their Presence and Social Function in Israel and the Diaspora”
Khader Salameh, Islamic Museum, al-Haram al-Sharif, Jerusalem, “The Inscriptions from the Islamic Museum, al-Haram al-Sharif: From the Roman to the Ottoman Period”
Issa Sarie, Al-Quds University/Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “The Roots of Violence in the Prehistoric Period”
Richard Hugh Teverson, Yale University, “Augustan Kings: The Art and Architecture of Herod the Great of Judaea and Juba II of Mauretania”
Ross Voss, Ashkelon Excavation Project, “The Publication of Ashkelon IV: Canaanite Gates and Fortifications”
Alexander Zukerman, Independent Researcher (Miqne Fellow), “The Iron Age I Ceramic Corpus from Fields III and IV at Tel Miqne–Ekron”